понедельник, 28 апреля 2008 г.

Getting Around Town

April 17, 2008

In regards to what makes a city a city, Greensboro, NC and Waco, TX are superior to Kyzylorda in several ways. They have taller buildings, more people, and an actual working public sanitation system. There is one important area however, in which Kyzylorda has them beat, reliable public transportation. In Kyzylorda, from 6AMto 8PM you have two main choices for getting around, buses or marshootkas. Marshootkas are basically slightly larger than normal minivans and are extremely uncomfortable. The conductors pack far more people in than there are seats so you are usually forced to stand and often find yourself awkwardly squished against several other people. Furthermore, you cannot even stand up straight and are forced to contort yourself just to fit inside in the first place. The crazy thing though, is that even though marshootkas are more awkward to ride in, they are actually more expensive than buses! In Kyzylorda, Marshootkas cost 35 tenge per ride, but the buses only cost 30 tenge! I know that they cannot fit as many people in as a bus can, no matter how hard they squeeze, and that the extra five tenge is supposed to make up some of the difference, but I figure that if I am going to subject myself to that sort of punishment willingly, they could at least give me a price break. One may wonder why I take Marshootkas if the buses are roomier and cheaper, but unfortunately buses do not frequent the outskirts of the city where I live, so usually I just have to bite the bullet and ride the marshootka.

Still, these cramped rides to work are not all bad and have had a few positive results. Primarily, I think it has made me more comfortable in large crowds and more willing to speak to complete strangers. Perhaps due in part to of geography and manifest destiny, but American’s are generally accustomed to and seek open spaces. Even in crowded cities, people try to maintain at least three feet of personal space. In Kazakhstan, though this idea of personal space does not really exist there is, it is measured in inches rather than feet. Thus, over the last few months I have been forced to get over my own personal space needs and as a result I now find myself more comfortable with new people both in regards to physical proximity or in making conversation, and while I have yet to make a lasting friendship with any of my dance partners on the number 15 bus, I would like to think it has perhaps made me a bit more outgoing.

1 комментарий:

Асхат Еркімбай комментирует...

Blogyna oida joqta keziktim. Ote qyzyq jazady ekensin. Qazaqtar seni americandyqsin, biozding elhe nege kelding dep turtkilep jatqan joq pa?
Just found your blog. Very interesting. I hope you are doing well in Qyzylorda.